Basic Example
The Template:
<p>This could be anything you want in this paragraph.</p>
<p>The date is: <b>{date}</b>.
The Code:
//--- Include the Yapter template library.
// Now, create a new template
$tp = new Yapter('basic.tpl');
$tp->set('page_title', 'Welcome to the Yapter basic example.');
$tp->set('date', date('m-d-Y'));
// Parse the template file and replace the variables
// Output the page to the screen
// Note that you usually always end with these 2 lines.
// An exception would be if you use the getContents() method. See the API Docs for more info.
Intermediate Example
The Template:
<p>This is just a sample body paragraph.</p>
<p>Let's put a table here:</p>
[BLOCK row]
[END row]
The Code:
//--- Include the Yapter template library.
// Now, create a new template
$tp = new Yapter('intermediate.tpl');
$tp->set('page_title', 'Welcome to the Yapter intermediate example.');
// Set the table headers
$tp->set('1st_hdr', 'First');
$tp->set('2nd_hdr', 'Second');
$tp->set('3rd_hdr', 'Third');
// Set the table data
$cell_data = array(
0 => array('Row1 Cell1', 'Row1 Cell2', 'Row1 Cell3'),
1 => array('Row2 Cell1', 'Row2 Cell2', 'Row2 Cell3'),
2 => array('Row3 Cell1', 'Row3 Cell2', 'Row3 Cell3')
foreach ($cell_data as $idx => $array) {
$tp->set('1st', $array[0]);
$tp->set('2nd', $array[1]);
$tp->set('3rd', $array[2]);
$tp->parse('row'); // Build the row
// Parse the template file and replace the variables
// Output the page to the screen
// Note that you usually always end with these 2 lines.
// An exception would be if you use the getContents() method. See the API Docs for more info.
Advanced Example
The Template:
<p>This is just a sample body paragraph.</p>
<p>Let's put a table here:</p>
[BLOCK table AS table1]
[BLOCK row]
[END row]
[END table]
The Code: